The current owners of the house had requested a closing date of August 21. We were told that they chose a closing date before we could move in to be nice to us, so that we could lock in a better rate for our mortgage. Fine, no problem, they are going to rent the house back from us for the remaining weeks that they need to stay in the house while they close on their new house. Not a big deal to us.
This week we got notification from our Realtor that now they want to push the closing date up by 2 weeks, mind you they had picked the original closing date with a 45 day escrow. Apparently they didn't really do their homework on whether or not they could hold on to their old house and still purchase their new house, something they had insisted that they could do. They made a point initially that they didn't need to sell their current house in order to buy their new house. They went so far as to say that if no one went up the $5,000 ($4,500 in our case) that they simply weren't going to sell their house and would rent it out instead.
Well, as they say only time will tell, right? Turns out that this week they found out that in order to close on their new house they need to either close on their current house earlier than they thought necessary or have a lease in hand for their current house. Unless they meet one of those conditions apparently they will be unable to close on their new house.
We went ahead and quickly found out what it would cost us to be able to close 2 weeks earlier and sent them our "demands" at the end of the week. Now all we have to do is wait to see if they are willing to "pay" to close early or not. Of course this means we get to sit here waiting to hear what they want to do, well at least we are still waiting for the results of our appraisal which happened last Monday too. Hopefully in the next few days we will hear about the appraisal as well as the closing date, if we don't hear soon about the closing date we are just going to assume the old date is the one we are sticking to. After all, we have things that we need to do and can't wait until the last second to find out if we need to liquidate assets that we are not currently working on liquidating.