For us Pampers and the other big brands were never really an option regardless of the environmental impact of them because of our son's very sensitive bottom, of course it was never our intent to use the big brand diapers. Before our son was born we had ordered a case of Seventh Generation diapers to get us started. Later on we switched to gDiapers which are a hybrid diaper. They have flushable, compostable inserts that you put inside the vinyl liner. The vinyl liner is snapped into the little g pants which close in the back making it more difficult for little hands to open the diaper.
When we were at the Go Green Expo we got a chance to meet up with Michelle Carver Schnoor of gDiapers. gDiapers are something we have been using for about 2 years now. We initially bought them because they were more environmentally friendly disposables than the Seventh Generation diapers we were using at the time. Shortly after we began using gDiapers I then learned that some moms were using prefold cloth diapers in their little g pants so I went ahead and gave it a try. While the prefolds worked quite well in place of the flushable inserts they were quite bulky. I tried making my own cloth inserts to use in the g's so that they wouldn't be so bulky, but I never had great success getting them to be trim like the flushable inserts without causing a diaper rash on my little one's sensitive bottom.
I was ready to give up on my gDiapers when he outgrew his medium pants, but then gDiapers introduced their own cloth inserts. Excitement really overcame me when I heard the announcement of the cloth inserts. I was more than happy to order myself some more gDiapers and some cloth inserts and I awaited their arrival as patiently as I could manage. Let me just say that I absolutely love the new cloth inserts for gDiapers. They are nice and trim and easy to clean and are very absorbent. I do still use the flushable inserts from time to time as I always have, but for us the real love of gDiapers is the ability to use cloth in them. They are so easy to use and we rarely have a leak with them thanks to the nylon liner.
I even passed on our old mediums to my sister since her little one is smaller than ours. She absolutely loves the gDiapers with cloth too and is planning to use them on their next little one who she is expecting in March. These diapers hold up really well and can be passed on or saved for the next little one or even resold to another mom.
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