We finally bought our fist lawn mower. We bought an old fashioned reel lawn mower with an 18" cutting width. Please keep in mind that we got rid of most of our grass prior to buying our lawn mower so we have a small grass area to be mowed. This lawn mower was a perfect choice for us since all in all it would take about as much time to mow our tiny yard with a gas or electric mower and this mower is one we are fairly comfortable with letting our 3 year old help us mow the lawn with, of course we supervise him and help him push the mower and make the turns but he just loves mowing the yard with this mower. This was also a nice choice for us being that the initial investment was about $100 and the only money that will go into it in the future is the occasional blade sharpening and these mowers will last for many years to come. We are also very happy with how much more peasant it is to mow the lawn without all the noise and fumes of the gas mowers we both used growing up.
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