Day 3 of my antibiotics. I am feeling much better, but I still have this horrible cough that made it nearly impossible to sleep last night. That being said I did sweep up a little of the debris in the driveway this morning (we have been having some serious winds) and put the fallen pine needles and leaves where I had finished weeding earlier this week (will help prevent new weeds from growing in that area). I also got in a short workout with my Kinect and Your Shape and then played a little bit with the Kinect Adventures.
Friday I got in a short workout with my Kinect before I sprained my ankle. Saturday I took it easy, one of the most difficult things for me to do. Sunday we took the little man to Travel Town to see the trains and then we did some yard work (we cut back the basil and sorrel plants and uprooted them and hubby also cut down one of the tomato plants and the eggplant). Let me just tell you that sorrel and African Blue basil will both take over your planting area, learn from my mistake where they nearly strangled all my other herbs (since planted in May) and keep these 2 in pots.
Monday, day 15
Due to my sprained ankle, which is actually healing quite nicely I felt it best to skip my usual personal training session and just stick with some of the gym games which require less movement on my bottom half (at least allowing me to not move my ankle too much). Hopefully I can return to my personal training and Zen workouts soon.
Virtual smash = 1032 (new high score)
Loop a hoop = 288 (new high score)
Stack em up = 414
Calories burned today = 110
Total calories burned = 605 (since I began playing Your Shape)
Part of my goal for this month was to blog everyday about my progress so as far as that goal has gone I have failed this last several days, but I chose to let it go as part of my needing to take it easy. I may bot quite be reaching my complete goals for this month, but I think the progress is definitely beginning to show already. Everything is a little less jiggly already, something I have definitely wanted to work on so that come our family cruise in January I can be more confident and comfortable in my swim suit.
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