Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Our new kitchen island, stools still to come

Here is the kitchen before we added the new island. You can see I used painters tape to mark off where the island would go. I did this to get a feel for if the island would disrupt the traffic flow or make it too difficult to access the stove, dishwasher or refrigerator. I also played with where the tape was a bit to work out a good placement for the island, probably not entirely necessary as we were only adding a freestanding island and therefore could move it later if necessary. Of course once you get your stuff on the island it is more difficult to move and I wanted to make sure everyone was going to be ok with the addition of a kitchen island. 

Here you can see the storage area where I am storing my baking pans and sheets and carriers and all of that good stuff, freeing up space for other things.

Below, you can see the back side of the island where the stools go. I ordered a pair of metal stools, slightly industrial and modern yet still look a bit like they belong in a farm house, they should be here next week.

The house is really starting to take shape and feel like a home already. 

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