Friday, January 7, 2011

my weight is still going up

Let me just say that I did not sleep well last night and I am very tired. I am sure that over time these numbers will start to look better than they are right now. Remember muscle weights more than fat so as we add muscle our weight may increase, but muscle mass also burns more calories than fat. I am reminding myself of these facts so I don't get discouraged.

BMI = 25.23
Weight = 166.4
Wii Fit age = 38

My day is going by faster than I would like, well I did have a breakfast date with my husband so that did put my exercise schedule a little behind for the day. I have to go get the little man from preschool soon so I did not get my run in yet, I am hoping he will run with me after I pick him up. I did get in 2 Zen classes and 1 new cardio class, with all the training time to learn all the new moves it was like doing 2 sessions.

Run accomplished and then some. I actually started my run and was a good 5 minutes plus into it when I had to tend to the little man's needs so I restarted my 30 minute run and I have a new record for my 30 minute run even after running for 5 minutes shortly before starting my 30 minutes. I am so happy. I got a good work out in 5 days in a row and I outdid my current record on my run 4 of the 5 days. Hopefully if I keep up with my exercises I will start to see a difference in the number on the scale or at least a difference in the way my clothes look and fit on me.

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